Divine Elements
The divine elements are the strongest and highest vibrational energies in existence. The divine elements come from God (the divine source). These elements have the power to create and destruct. They need to be mastered first, in order to be used responsibly for good’s sake. That’s why souls come to earth to train them through life lessons. That’s how we grow and get closer to God (the divine source).
Angelic beings, including earth angels (angels who have incarnated as humans), have the natural ability to wield these divine energies. Earth angels come to earth and share their abilities with the world to help others. Every soul is able to wield the divine elements, because they are intertwined with our energetic bodies (chakras).
Light ☀️ | Destruction – Solar Plexus Chakra
The light’s main purpose is to destroy and convert negativity into positivity. The light has a wide spectrum of wavelengths and can differ in intensity. This makes the light a flexible, independent and precise killer/nurturer. The light can be painful and scary, because its power is forceful. It can force you to see a painful truth and it can burn away negativity within you (which can hurt). The light emits energy, which can be harnessed as fuel or used to attract.
“The light teaches us that things that seem bad can be good.”
Use your light to:
+ Destroy evil and negative energies.
+ Turn negativity into positivity.
+ Illuminate and reveal evil and negativity.
+ Clear and cleanse one’s mind, body and soul.
+ Attract whatever you want.
Evil will try to remove or manipulate your light by introducing illusions (tricks of light), delusions (confusion) and/or darkness (shame) into your life. If your light is not sufficient, use love instead to solve your problems.
“The light comes before love. It creates a safe space for love to grow and conquer.”
Love ❤️ | Creation – Heart Chakra
Love’s main purpose is to lead and create hope. God (the divine source) communicates with us and leads us to the right path, through love and hate in our hearts. This makes love a clear, pure and reliable guide. Feeling the absence of love in our hearts (hate), tells us that something is wrong. Feeling the presence of love in our hearts, tells us that something is right. Love is a feeling that must be taken seriously, even if it makes no sense.
“Love teaches us that things that seem good can be bad.”
Allow your heart to:
+ Guide you through life.
+ Tell you who and what is truly good and bad.
+ Tell you what to do and what choices to make.
+ Give you purpose.
+ Give you confidence.
+ Show you who you are.
Evil will try to numb your heart by introducing fear (fake trust), difficulty (fake danger) and jealousy (fake love) into your life. If your love is not sufficient, use light instead to solve your problems.
“Love makes sure we are never truly lost.”
The misalignment
To love and to care are not the same thing. We often think that we love someone, because we care for them. However, this is not interchangeable. Thinking you love someone, while you only care for them, will cause you to give more of yourself than you are comfortable with or should. This may cause you to feel drained and/or obsessed with that person.
Obsessing over someone is a clear sign that you have given more of yourself than you have received from them!
The difference
🫂 + Caring for someone means that you are empathizing with them. It means that your heart is open for that person, but that doesn’t mean they have a place in it. You can care for (the well-being of) people you hate.
❤️ + Loving someone means that this person has a special place in your heart. If you’re in a bad place, you may decide to temporarily close your heart and isolate yourself. The people you love will still mean something to you in this state. You cannot love people you hate.
❕ + It’s important to know the difference between love and care, because not knowing the difference will make you prone to being used and manipulated.
Caring for someone says more about yourself than the other person. When you care, your heart is telling you that you can understand other people on a deeper level. Caring for others means that you are a good and empathetic person.
Loving someone says more about them than you. It means that your heart has found them to be worthy enough to have a place in it. This means that they are a good person for you. The opposite is true for people you don’t like or hate.
👍🏼 + Love can only exist when these criteria are met in the following order:
1. Root chakra: You feel safe and secure with this person.
2. Sacral chakra: You like and enjoy their company, because they make you happy.
3. Solar plexus chakra: You feel seen and are respected by them.
The realignment
Realign yourself by asking the following questions:
1. Do I feel safe and secure with them?
This should be a clear yes. Any doubt or a no is your (survival) intuition telling you that you cannot trust them. You cannot love a person if you do not feel safe and secure enough to open yourself up to them.
2. Do I like them and their company? Do I feel better with or without them?
If you feel better without them it’s a clear sign that they are having a negative impact on your well-being. Feeling good with their presence in your life tells you that they have positive energies and therefor have a positive influence on you. You cannot love someone who makes you feel less than what you are.
3. Does this person respect me? Do they consider and care about how I may feel? Do they adjust their behavior, when I’ve expressed myself to them
Love is a two way street of giving and receiving. One needs to love themselves as much as they love another. You cannot love an unfair person who doesn’t see and treat you as an equal.
There should be no doubt when answering any of these questions. Doubt and confusion are signs something is not right within this connection. It means that you do not and/or cannot love them fully. It may also mean that you are being (emotionally) manipulated by this person, this is especially true if you feel confused or conflicted.
Remember, people change over time and so can how we feel about them. Keep asking yourself these questions regularly, especially if your feelings have changed. A change in feelings can be a strong warning sign and should always be taken seriously!