The meaning of dreams


Dream interpetation can be a fitting crossover to spirituality for a lot of people. Spirituality is based on emotions, energies and experiences. The most of us have experienced what it’s like to dream. Dreams also impact us on an emotional level, which is why we feel the need to know the meaning of our dreams.

In this article, I (Angelika Vee) will share with you what I know about dreams. My knowledge is based on my own experiences with dreams from a spiritual perspective.

dream meaning

Processual Dreams

+ Unconscious dreams where we process the emotions, energies and experiences we had in our daily lives.

Processual dreams are probably the most common type of dreams. Whenever you sleep, you dream. When you cannot remember your dream or you cannot remember a part of your dream. That part of the dream is meant to be processual.

Processual dreams are important, because they remove emotional or energetic blockages that you’ve created in your daily life. They also help your brain to process the information you gained that day.

After waking up from a processual dream, you may feel like you had a rerun of the day before. It confirms that you were able to process the emotions, energies and experiences you had in your past. You should feel somewhat relieved after waking up from a processual dream.

Premonitional Dreams

+ Intense, recurring and/or vivid dreams that have a message for our conscious selves.

If you have a strong imagination or strong visualization skills, you are more likely to have premonitional dreams than others. 

Premonitional dreams always have meaning. They have a message or warning you need to know about. This message or warning comes from your unconsciousness, the other side or God. When you dream, you are more in tune with alternative thinking and less in tune with realistic thinking.

The more intense and recurring your premonitional dreams are, the more important they are. Once you’ve understood the message, a premonitional dream will stop to recur.

With premonitional dreams, you wake up wondering what your dream means. When you wake up, the emotions you felt in your dreams are also still present.


+ Dreams influenced by fear and/or negative energy.

Nightmares are both processual and premonitional. Nightmares are processual, because they allow you to process feelings of fear and negative energy. They are premonitional, because they have a message for you related to fear or negative energy.

Eventhough nightmares are scary, most of the time they do not hold negative meaning. What your nightmare makes scary is often an manifestation of fear or negative energy. This can be your own fear or negative energy or it can be someone else’s.

The message of a nightmare is always a warning. It can help you to avoid negativity. Or it can make you aware of someone needing your help.

Understanding Dreams

+ Understanding your dreams will benefit you in your daily life.

Processual dreams and nightmares are definitely worth trying to understand. With dream interpretation it’s important you focus on the vivid details, emotions, signs and symbols you experience in a dream. The more intense or vivid these are, the more relevant they are.

Remember, you’re not getting these dreams, because something is playing with you. They are a real effort to make you aware of something important. They should be taken seriously!

There is a lot of dream interpretation symbolism available online. However, these are very generic and therefor often do not accurately apply to your personal situation. It’s worth it to order a Dream Reading, if you struggle to understand an important dream of yours.

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Written by Angelika Vee

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