Vee’s Spiritual Guide



Understanding others & yourself

Angel numbers, signs & symbols

“You just know an angel number, sign or symbol is trying to tell you something. Trust your intuition you do!”

You feel like it’s more than a coincidence. If you do, your angel number, sign or symbol has a message for you.

Learn what your angel number, sign or symbol means through a Psychic Reading (Preset Questions > Numbers, signs & symbols).

Connecting with the dead

“Connecting to the other side can help you with your grief and closure.”

Connecting to your passed away person or pet for one last time, can do wonders for your grief. Being able to ask them the questions you had yet to ask them, can help you to find a sense of closure.

Order a Mediumship Session to connect to the other side.


“Your dream has a message for you, if you can remember it well.”

All vivid or recurring dreams have a message for you. Read my article about dream interpretation to learn more about your own dreams.

For a personalized interpretation of your dream, share your dream with me through a Dream Reading.

Inner energies

“Your own energies that are part of you and how you feel.”

Your inner energies have an effect on how you feel emotionally and physically. I interpret inner energies with the help of the chakra system.

Learn more about your own inner energies through a Psychic Reading (Preset Questions > Inner energies (chakras)).

Outer energies

“Energies that are not yours, but are all around you and can still affect you.”

The energies around you can often find ways to affect you. They can either support or hinder your inner energies. The stronger the flow of your inner energies, the more resistant you are to outer energies.

If outer energies are negatively affecting you, I can help you through Remote Energy Work. It will allow me to cleanse the negative energies around you.

Pets, objects & other living beings

“Pets, objects and other living being cannot talk. We can understand them in different ways.”

Pets have body language that we can try to understand. Other living things, like plants or bateria, we can try to understand by looking at the effects they had on their surroundings. Or by what effects their surroundings had on them. Objects can only tell us a story based on small details, like scrathes and dents.

Luckily, everything has an energy signature. This signature can help us to understand other beings and things on a deeper and more emotional level.

Learn more about your pet or object through a Psychic Reading (Preset Questions > Pets / Objects).



Becoming stronger & healthier


“Your sacral chakra trying to stay balanced.”

Having an addiction is a sign that your sacral chakra is imbalanced. Anything that gives you joy will fuel your sacral chakra.

Addictive things, like alcohol, drugs, medications, non-natural sugars, sex and unhealthy foods will temporarily give you joy. What makes them addictive is that your sacral chakra will be more imbalanced after their effect.

To get rid of an addiction you need to replace your source of joy. Replace your addiction with something that gives you long lasting joy that isn’t addictive. You also need to eliminate that what causes your sacral chakra to be imbalanced in the first place. Check inner energies to learn more about that.


Fear that takes you over.”

Fear is a warning from the root chakra that your survival and stability is in danger. Fear should only trigger you to improve your plans to keep you safe from possible dangers. When you allow fear to reach your solar plexus (your ego), you will lose all control and you will become anxious.

Whenever you feel fear, you need to face that fear. Ask yourself what you are exactly fearful of and why you fear it. Then you need to improve your plans to prevent and remove that possible danger. With a Psychic Reading, you can ask me questions about your fears for extra insight.

Trauma is also located in the root chakra. When your fear reminds you of trauma it intensifies your fear. Through Counseling Sessions, I can help you to face and process your trauma.


“Depression is a sign of an underactive solar plexus chakra.”

When your solar plexus chakra is underactive you become depressed. It means that you lack passion and willpower to live.

When you’re depressed, you need to have reasons to keep going. It’s important you have or find something you can be passionate about. With a Psychic Reading or Counseling Session, you can ask me for advice and insight about how you can become more passionate in life.


“Your inner energies indirectly influence your physical & mental health.”

Blockages and imbalances in your inner energies will have a negative effect on your physical and mental health. It’s important you keep working on balancing your chakras whenever you can.

Energetic blockages will cause negative energies to become stuck in your body. If your body has no way to release these negative energies, they will manifest as ailments and diseases.

Energetic imbalances destabilize the flow of your inner energies. It causes your emotions (and hormones) to become out of sync and overpowering. It will negatively affect your brain chemistry and therefor your mental health.

Making changes in your daily life routine and mindset can do wonders for your inner energiesPsychic Reading (Preset Questions > Pets / Objects). Ask me questions about your health through a Psychic Reading (Preset Questions > Health).

Negative energies, entities & curses

“Entities & curses are manifestations of negative energy.”

Negative actions, emotions and experiences create negative energy. Negative energy is like a disease that spreads and multiplies, when it’s not properly cleansed or neutralized by positive energy. Negative energy is desperate to be neutralized. It tries to neutralize itself by stealing positive energy, but this is only a temporary solution to its issue.

People that are unable to handle their own negative energy will emit their negative energy to others. Like negative energy, they will try to steal your positive energy to heal themselves. For them to be healed, they need to resolve the core of their issues themselves. You always need to keep a healthy distance from them to protect yourself. You can only help them help themselves, if you’re not becoming infected by their negative energy. You can ask questions for insight and wisdom about how you can help them with a Psychic Reading.

Negative entities, like demons, are manifestations of negative energy. It tries to steal your positive energy in order to heal it self. This becomes an addictive cycle for them, that only grows if they are not being cleansed.

Curses and hexes are negative energies placed from one person to another. Hurting people want to hurt other people. Negative energy, like pain, hatred or jealousy is needed for black magick to work.

Allow me to help you through Remote Energy Work.





Knowing how to maximize connections & your life

Blessings & karma

“You harvest the seeds you’ve planted with your intentions.”

You can tell right from wrong with your heart chakra. You’re doing something wrong, when you dismiss what your heart is telling you out of selfish reasons. You’re doing something right, when you feel encouraged and empowered for listening to your heart.

Life is a multiplayer game with yourself and God. God tells you, through your heart, which choices are in your best interest for the long run. Trusting your heart intuition is what faith essentially is. Don’t blame God or others, when you didn’t listen to your heart intuition. Especially when you thought, you knew better.

Listening to your heart intuition, will allow you to receive all of the blessings and good karma that are laid out on your path. Ignoring it will put you on the wrong path, which will give you bad luck and bad karma. If life seems to be against you, you need to start making changes in your life, because it is. The universe is letting you know you’re not on the right path!

With a Psychic Reading, you can ask me questions about your current blessings & karma (Preset Questions > Blessings & Karma).


“A healthy connection requires love, loyalty and respect from both sides.”

A healthy connection starts out with mutual respect. Mutual respect allows someone to be themself. That will allow someone to open up.

Learn more about your person through a Psychic Reading (Preset Questions > Other people).

Spiritual counseling & therapy

“Counseling & therapy where your emotions & experiences are in the center of attention.”

Spirituality is based on ones personal emotions and experiences. With regular counseling and therapy, your diagnosis is in the center of attention. Once you have been diagnosed, you will be provided with generic solutions and medication. With spiritual counseling and therapy, what you personally feel and experience is already your diagnosis.

Knowing how you feel and what you experience will allow me to truly understand you and your issue. It will allow me to help and guide you in a personalized way. In my experiences, that is what makes spiritual counseling and therapy more effective. You can get the help and guidance you need through my Counseling Session service.


“Improve your finances to become financially stable, not rich.”

Improving your fincances shouldn’t be about getting rich, it should be about becoming financially independent and stable. With the right intentions, luck will be on your side.

Knowing how and when to invest your time and energy is very important. With the right intentions, you will have the clarity and patience you need to improve your finances.

For wisdom and extra insight you can ask your questions, regarding improving your finances, in a Psychic Reading.

Intuition & psychic abilities

“Improving your inner energies will improve your psychic abilities”

Each chakra contributes to your palette of psychic abilities. Your crown chakra contributes to your outer intuition, which is the knowledge you gain about the world around you. Your root chakra contributes to your inner intuition, which is the knowledge you gain about everything related to yourself.

With the solar plexus chakra you gain control over your psychic abilities. With your heart chakra, you can interpret the information you receive with clarity and purity

Through Counseling Sessions, I can help and guide you further in your journey. You can always ask questions about your intuition and psychic abilities in a Psychic Reading.


“You need to be ready & patient for true love to enter your life.”

Your true love can only enter your life, when you’ve learned all the life lessons you needed to learn on your own. Only two pure and whole people can become one.

Love is pure, which makes true love difficult and strict. You need to love yourself first. You should be able to be happy with the idea of living your whole life single. That would mean that you’ve aligned yourself with your true self

Impatience and desperation for love, whill only result in toxic relationships. A toxic relationship will only hinder you in your journey of become in tune with your true self.

Only you and God can know who your true love is. I can only help you to become in tune with your true self to hopefully speed up the process. With a Psychic Reading, you can ask what you have yet to do and learn, before your true love can enter your life.